Is Womb & Fertility Massage the same as Mayan, Mizan, Abdominal Sacral Massage?
It’s a question we get asked a lot and the simple answer is that all of these therapies have the same focus in helping to support women’s health through physical touch.
All of the therapies are born from traditional cultures, of which there are many around the world – there is no right or wrong method, you will be called to work with the therapy that feels right for you. Some of the therapies have a more “protocol driven focus” or may place a stronger emphasis on different areas; they will all be beneficial to the woman coming to receive as they will get what they need at that time of their life.
How is Womb & Fertility Massage different?
Womb & Fertility Massage is a blend of traditional techniques and intuitive wisdom and has evolved over 16 years of my experience.
The core essence of the therapy is a gentle, fluid and feminine approach to massaging the whole torso area, bringing in techniques from Pulsing, Rebozo and Energy work to help the body to release tension and emotional blocks. We invite all students to connect to their own heart & womb, enabling them to better connect with their client, intuitively gaining a sense of where her body needs physical or spiritual touch rather than applying a strict protocol of how the therapy should be performed.
On the course, techniques are taught and followed for the first 4 days; participants are then able to deliver a treatment on the 5th day that is intuitive, using the techniques as they wish, to deliver a treatment that is created for their “client” giving them what they feel she needs on that day.
With an emphasis on ceremony and ritual; each treatment will leave the client feeling more connected to her body and free from tensions stored in the body, whether physical or emotional.
What makes the Womb & Fertility Massage Course Different from others?
I can only share what the experience is like on the Womb & Fertility Massage course, as I have not experienced others and each woman who is hearing the call to do this women’s work will intuitively know which course is calling them strongly.
Womb & Fertility Massage Course
Womb & Fertility Massage is a unique training; blending the spiritual with physical massage. A nurturing, fluid & feminine abdominal & sacral massage, with the emphasis on womb health, menstrual health and fertility.
“This is so much more than a massage course!”
- Protocol Sheets for Guidance
- Beautiful Demonstrations
During the 5 days you will learn the Womb & Fertility Massage “protocol”, with lots of time to both practise and receive this beautifully relaxing therapy, which focuses on all the areas that we as women hold tension, hormonal imbalance & past experiences. This means that we can allow ourselves to sink deeply into the senses and our womb spaces, so that we can begin to acknowledge and heal our own womb wounds as we train, whilst being held in safe space by experienced tutors. This is part of the process to then be able to support other women in their healing journey.
You will be greeted by a womb meditation and blessing, sit in circle and share with a sisterhood ~ a gift in its self.
- Sista’s Sitting in Circle
- Womb Meditation
- Womb Blessing
We will tap into the menstrual cycle inner seasons and what they mean to us, and use visualisation to reclaim the energies of the womb and Spiral Ceremony. An embodied walk through our womb wisdom circle, breaks through trauma patterns using family constellations and ceremony, connecting to the life phases of our menstrual cycle.
- Ceremony
- Ceremonial Therapy
You will also get to experience a wrapping with Rebozo scarves, which we call “Restoring the Soul”, similar to a “Closing of The Bones”, which many experience as a “rebirth”.
- Rebozo Techniques
*images by Gaby van Ampting
On completion of the 5 days, you will be invited into our private FB forum, where over 800 practitioners openly share both personal and professional stories, advice & support. This is a piece of pure magic as we support each others as true sisters. There is no charge and yet this support is INVALUABLE for the practitioner.
Course Experience
Day One – Nymph
“Young Goddesses; not fully formed, not fully grounded with an air of mischief about them”
As you enter into the space, you feel a buzzing of excitement + anticipation as you step forwards onto a new path, tinged with a little ungrounded, nervousness as to what is to come.
The day starts with a Cacao ceremony to connect to your HEART + WOMB; creating + opening a safe space for a sharing circle, where women are TRULY heard, held + witnessed.
Leading us into meditation, with a Mind, Heart & Womb Blessing – an initiation as you cross the first threshold, being welcomed into the sisterhood.
A journey of discovery of our inner core wounds invites us to TUNE IN + CONNECT to ourselves, leaving the external baggage of life outside of the Log Cabin, internalising their focus to their RAW inner selves.
Dancing to a variety of rhythms + beats welcomes the sensations to move freely through our body, becoming witness to our OWN true sensations. “Dance like no one is watching” …because they won’t be…
A shared lunch in the family home creates a warm, homely feel whereby the Sista’s soften into their circle together as they breathe into this new experience.
The afternoon is a practical session of the womb massage, igniting exploration within as they each massage their “first” womb space. The most beautiful moment when each Sista gives + receives the womb massage, with a FUL HEART they whisper “This is the most beautiful thing I have ever felt….”
Day Two – Creatrix
“A woman who is deeply connected to herself; taps into her creative & juicy power to birth life, ideas and visions.”
With a more centred and grounded inner feeling, we start the day exploring the emotional and spiritual aspects of all that is held within our abdomens; all that may be blocking our creative flow.
Wisdom is imparted of the Psoas muscle; the first muscle that is formed in our mother’s womb, that carries the energy of fear. Along with Limbic Birth Imprinting – the pattens that we carry through life because of our own conception, pregnancy + birth stories giving great insight into WHY we are WHO we are. Ever wondered why some people are always late? Or hate to wear tight things around their neck? Birthing imprints…
A recognition of our own birthing fears + stories can help free us, because when we acknowledge, we can then accept to transcend…
Nurturing each other with the whole abdominal massage, allowing for a creative flow of inner connection and wisdom to rise to our consciousness.
During our “creatrix” menstrual phase, we start to naturally step towards the Warrior phase, a place of going within and inviting raw truths to surface, preparing us for day three tomorrow…
Day Three – Warrior
“To have strength, deep passion and wisdom to forge new pathways that are in true alignment with her calling”
Starting the day by revisiting the full Womb + Abdominal aspects of the massage, allowing for a deeper embodying of the
techniques both to give + receive, and swapping partners to enrich the experience of another touch + energy.
The Warrior energy is about editing, discernment + the inner critic. This energy is needed for the Womb Wisdom Medicine Wheel.
Starting with a group discussion, whereby we delve into the four archetypes of the menstrual cycle including the phases of the moon, cycle + life stages.
With this wisdom running through their veins, we then
lead into an embodied journey through each of the four phases, whereby the raw truths surface in a safe and held space, ready to be processed through the art of family constellations, ceremonies + healing. It can get raw, messy, snotty, joyful + all the bits in between. It’s JUICY AF, this is where you learn SO much about yourself and the biggest TRANSFORMATIONS take part. You can’t run, the energy is high and you’ll complete this day KNOWING WHY YOU CAME to this course.
Taking time at the end of the day to reflect in a writing sessions, a moment to breath and honour all that you witnessed, learnt + released.
Our Warrior phase in our menstrual cycle + lifecycle is the time most women “dislike” it’s irritable + messy, it’s the SHADOW part of us BUT without the dark there can be no light and this is where the GOLD is! Hence why Day 3 is Warrior!
Day Four – Wisdom Keeper
“With an awareness of enhanced consciousness, wisdom is shared with love and compassion”
The day begins with an exploration of how we can enhance our sexual energy; the physical and emotional aspects around orgasms, tapping into an open and honest conversation between sister’s. A releasing technique for the pudendal nerve is experienced; the nerve that, if damaged or inflamed, becomes desensitised, equaling disruption to your pleasure of orgasms.
Discovering the energy points that are the key focus on the back, stemming from Traditional Chinese Medicine, they gently unlock grief points, connect the dots as to “what is holding you back” or “who is a pain in your butt” – this isn’t any old back massage, it’s slow, nurturing + releasing.
For some, the realisations of the exploration from Day 3 may still feel a little vulnerable, however during the lower back, sacral and coccyx massage, these are often soothed and as we come to close the day with experiencing the Rebozo bodywork, along with the Restoring the Soul ceremonial wrap, a sense of wholeness returns.
During the Restoring the Soul wrapping ceremony, you will experience a restorative process. The art of being wrapped in cloths, by a Sista who holds only love in her heart for you, whispering words of wisdom + enveloping you in a new energy field.
Often a-likened to that of a caterpillar, who enters the cocoon (your massage table) and dissolves into a ball of goo, losing all of it’s “old self” to be reformed into a new form. Transformation happens within the massage and wrapping ceremony, you emerge as a butterfly, NEW, WHOLE and EXPANDED…ready to embrace life.
Day 5 – Warrior Nymph
“She’s emerged from the cocoon, like a butterfly who’s transformed leaving the old behind, stepping into her new Empowered Self, with expansion & wisdom”.
Entering into this day; witnessing the full treatment being gifted as a ceremonial dance, you are invited to go within and nurture
your sister’s through touch, wisdom and love.
You will also receive this gift from a Sista, allowing time for you to drop in to yourself, fully connect and feel whole.
Through reflective writing, you’ll be prompted to journal all that you have discovered about yourself during the course, what you wish to release into the Fire Ceremony, and what is it that you are committing to yourself? The Reclaiming Ceremony invites you to hold compassion + unconditional love to flow through the roots between ancestors, so that you may Reclaim your Power, Your Wisdom, Your Femininity & Yourself…
As you prepare to the leave the 5 day journey, you have emerged full cycle into the “Warrior Nymph”, having spiralled through a layer with a raised awareness and enhanced consciousness.
Closing the circle, hugs and kisses galore, a DEEPLY connected sisterhood has been formed. My heart is FULL as I honour the beautiful shifts, transformations and blossoming of each women that I have been privileged to witness.
My work for another 5 days is done.
The End…
Are you hearing the call to train in Womb & Fertility Massage?
We look forward to welcoming you to the sisterhood. You can view the 2023 schedule here
Feel free to email me with any questions you may have:
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