Empowered Feminine Therapy

Empowered Feminine Therapy

Evolve – Embody – Empower

Journey through the process of discovery and healing to EVOLVE to a woman one who can access the wisdom within to EMBODY her true passions, living life as a SELF EMPOWERED woman!

Through a journey of discovery using massage, healing modalities and Ancestral Trauma Release therapy; we start to unravel the stories held within that are restricting us from living our fullest, juiciest and creative life! Accessing the wisdom of our wombs, we unearth the passions and ideas that reside within, just waiting to rise up into juicy creativeness. Living our truth, following our path and having clarity as to who we are, empowers us to be amazing women!

What is an Empowered Woman?

An Empowered Woman is one who is living life in their TRUTH! A woman who is following her Heart with her Passions, her Creativity and her Visions. A woman that says YES to what she TRULY wants to do and has the strength within to say NO to those situations that are not in alignment with her truth.

An Empowered Woman knows that SELF CARE & SELF DEVELOPMENT is vital for Restoration, Rejuvenation and Realignment.

What’s your story?

  • Who’s story are you carrying in your cells?
  • Are you lacking creativity, vision or drive?
  • Do you have uncertainty to a situation or a decision to be made?
  • Have you got certain beliefs, patterns or blocks that you can’t seem to shift or make sense of?
  • Do you feel that you are holding onto emotional or physical traumas?
  • Have you lost your Zest for life, for relationships or for your career?
  • Would you like to reignite your sexual passion?
  • What’s your birthing imprint – how has this shaped your life story?
  • Do you need to honour yourself by taking time away from the hustle and bustle of life, time to JUST BE?
  • Do you experience menstrual or digestive complaints?

What is Empowered Feminine Therapy?

Starting with a consultation where you share “your story”, together we then focus on what you would like to achieve.

I then create a bespoke therapy for each woman; blending a fusion of nurturing abdominal, womb & lower back massage with creative visualisations. Wisdom surrounding birth imprints, ancestral patterns, menstrual medicine and restoring your soul will be shared.

Empowered Feminine Therapy has been designed to unravel patterns, beliefs, and imprints, reveal visions and desires and help women work with our cycles.

Our Wombs are Our Creative Centre

This may seem a strange thing to say, for many, you would imagine that your HEAD is where all ideas derive from – but when you discover that our menstrual cycles drive our moods, our creativeness and our wisdom – it’s a lightbulb moment for many, that if we are disconnected from our creative feminine centre, then we are not truly living our fullest, creative, juiciest life!

For many woman, discovering that our menstrual cycles can give us an insight into why we feel fantastic and on fire on some days and on other’s that we are clumsy and irritable, is a revolutionary idea. When I met Stephanie Drax from StoryTellHers, she came with an open mind and embraced the wisdom that our wombs hold.

Here you can read how Stephanie found the experience of the Empowered Feminine Therapy


Exclusively offered on Mersea Island, Essex

Initial Sessions are 2.5 – 3 hours, allowing time to fully explore your “story” and dive deeply into your embodied treatment.

Fee: £222

Follow Ups: 90 minutes

Fee: £111

Book Your Appointment Here

Download the Consultation form here

Empowered Feminine Therapy Approved Course

If you are intrigued and would like to either learn to practise this therapy with others, or to explore your own healing journey deeper, then I invite you to join me on the 4 day course. You can view more details here